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Account Contract

1. Parties

This Account Contract (hereinafter referred to as the “Retail Account Contract”) was drafted, signed and entered into force between NETTREE MARKET BİLİŞİM VE TEKNOLOJİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ located at “Huzur Mahallesi Azerbaijan Caddesi No:4B/39 Sarıyer/İSTANBUL”. (hereinafter referred to as "NETTREE MARKET") and “ACCOUNT HOLDER” , which approves this "Retail Account Contract “ and its annexes, which are an integral part, and the terms and rules in the "Portal" to open an account on the www.nettreemarket.com portal.

2. Definitions

“Portal”:The website and/or mobile applications where "NETTREE MARKET", which consists of the domain name www.nettreemarket.com and the subdomains connected to this domain name, offers its services.

“User”:refers to every natural or legal person accessing the "Portal".

ACCOUNT HOLDER”:“It is the "User" who opens an account in the "Portal" and benefits from the services offered within the "Portal

“Account Owner”:It is the “User” who opens an account in the “Portal” and benefits from the services provided within the “Portal” within the conditions specified in this “Account Agreement” and carries out commercial activities.

“Account” (“Account”):“It is the status gained after the "User" who wants to become an ACCOUNT HOLDER fills the "Account" form on the "Portal" with correct and real information, as a result of the evaluation made by "NETTREE MARKET" and with the notification made by "NETTREE MARKET". “Account” rights and obligations are those rights and obligations that belong to the applicant and cannot be partially or fully transferred to any third party. You cannot become an “ACCOUNT HOLDER” before the account opening process is completed. The "Account" application may be rejected by "NETTREE MARKET" or additional terms and conditions may be requested without giving any reason. If “NETTREE MARKET” deems it necessary and/or mandatory situations occur due to the regulations in the legislation; Can close the account of “ACCOUNT HOLDER”, may not accept the account opening request of the person whose account is closed for any reason.

“Store”:“It is the "NETTREE MARKET" product, which must be purchased in order for ACCOUNT HOLDER to carry out its commercial activities on the "Portal", where it can enter, manage and display its advertisements. “It is not possible to benefit from the services provided by the "Portal" to the "ACCOUNT HOLDER" without owning the "Store".

“Store Owner”:It is the "ACCOUNT HOLDER" who has completed the "Store" purchase by entering their information on the "Portal".

“Store User”: “It is a real person who can use the "Store" within the framework of the authorization given by the Store Owner and is obliged to comply with all the rules to which "ACCOUNT HOLDER" is subject. The upper limit of the number of "Store Users" will be determined by "NETTREE MARKET", and "NETTREE MARKET" may change the upper limit of the number of "Store Users" at any time without notice. Accounts of "Store Users" who do not log into the "Portal" or use the "Portal" for a certain period of time may be closed by NETTREE MARKET.

“NETTREE MARKET Services” ("Services"):" These are the applications offered by the "NETTREE MARKET" in order to enable the "ACCOUNT OWNER" in the "Portal" to perform the business and transactions defined in this "Retail Account Contract". "NETTREE MARKET" can make changes and/or adaptations to the "Services" at any time without prior notice. The rules and conditions that "ACCOUNT OWNER" is obliged to comply with regarding the changes and/or adaptations come into force on the date they are published on the "Portal".

“Content”: refers toall kinds of information, texts, files, pictures, videos, numbers, etc. published on the "Portal" and accessible. Express visual, written and auditory images.

"NETTREE MARKET Interface":Refers to Internet pages and mobile application screens/pages that give commands to the computer program to perform all kinds of operations such as NETTREE MARKET” and “ACCOUNT OWNER” used by “Users” to view the content created by “Users” and to query them from “NETTREE MARKET Database”; All kinds of transactions that can be made on the "Portal" within the designs protected under the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846 and whose intellectual rights belong to "NETTREE MARKET".

NETTREE MARKET Database”:It is the database protected in accordance with the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works belonging to "NETTREE MARKET", where the contents accessed within the Portal are stored, classified, queried and accessed.

“My Store” webpage:In order for "ACCOUNT HOLDER" to benefit from various applications and "Services" in the "Portal", he can perform the necessary transactions, enter his commercial information, preferences, information requested on the basis of the application, only the user’s name and password determined by "ACCOUNT HOLDER" It is a special page for "ACCOUNT HOLDER" that can be accessed with.

“Personal Data”: Pursuant to Article 3/d of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (KVKK), all kinds of information regarding an identified or identifiable natural person and special quality personal data listed in Article 6/1 of the LPPD.

“Special categories of personal data”:Data on race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, disguise and dress, membership in associations, foundations or unions, health, sexual life, criminal convictions and security measures, and biometric and genetic data are of special nature. is personal data.

3. Subject and Scope of the “Retail Account Contract”.

The subject of this "Retail Account Contract" is the determination of the services offered on the "Portal", the terms of benefiting from these services and the rights and obligations of the parties. All warnings, notifications, applications and explanations made by “NETTREE MARKET” regarding the usage, account and services in the “Retail Account Contract” and its annexes and “Portal” are within the scope. By accepting the provisions of this “Retail Account Contract”, the "User" accepts and undertakes to act in accordance with all kinds of statements made by NETTREE MARKET regarding the "Portal" contents, account and "Services".

4. Being a Account Holder

4.1In order for a person to become an “ACCOUNT HOLDER”, he or she must have a commercial activity and have applied for an "Account" by the person authorized to represent.In addition, the account must not be temporarily suspended or closed by "NETTREE MARKET" within the scope of this "Retail Account Contract", and the "Advertising Rules" must not be violated. “Before activating the account, NETTREE MARKET, at its sole discretion, provides additional information and documents stating that the person making the transaction is duly authorized to conclude the "Retail Account Contract" and that the internal approval mechanism at "ACCOUNT HOLDER" has been duly completed and has the right to demand. Likewise, "NETTREE MARKET" may request information regarding the authorization of the relevant Store User and/or the persons who act on behalf of the "Store Owner" when a new Store User is defined in the system. Also, it may have the right to request additional information and documents that the internal approval mechanism before the "ACCOUNT HOLDER" has been duly completed.

4.2NETTREE MARKET” at any time without giving reasons, without notice and compensation, penalties, etc. may unilaterally terminate this "Retail Account Contract" with immediate effect without any other obligation. It may also close or temporarily suspend the account of the "ACCOUNT HOLDER". Violation of the rules specified in the "Portal" or situations such as the "ACCOUNT HOLDER" posing a risk to the "NETTREE MARKET" information security system are valid situations to close or temporarily suspend the account.

4.3“ACCOUNT HOLDER” must open a "Store" in order to post an advertisement on the "Portal" and to benefit from the services offered by "NETTREE MARKET”.

5. Rights and liabilities of the parties

5.1 " Rights and Liabilities of the "Account Holder"

5.1.1“ACCOUNT HOLDER", agrees and undertakes to act in accordance with the rules, statements, all applicable legislation and ethical rules specified in the “Portal”. Also, it accepts and undertakes that it has read, understood and approved the provisions of the "Retail Account Contract" and all the terms and rules in the "Portal". Moreover, in case NETTREE MARKET suffers from loss as “ACCOUNT HOLDER”, according to the legislation in the fields in which it operates. publishes an advertisement without obtaining "Certificate of Authorization", "Certificate" etc. or pertaining documents, where it is an obligation to have such documents, NETTREE MARKET reserves the right of recourse to the "ACCOUNT HOLDER" for any material and moral, direct and indirect damages that it has suffered or may suffer.

5.1.2" ACCOUNT HOLDER” commits and undertakes that in cases where it is obliged to make a statement to the official authorities in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation, “ACCOUNT HOLDER” is authorized to disclose confidential/private/commercial information to official authorities. Also, for this reason, it accepts and undertakes that it will not make any claims from NETTREE MARKET and will not demand any compensation under any name. Rather than that; in case of notification to the "NETTREE MARKET" with the claim that the rights of any person or institution are violated in relation to the advertisements of " ACCOUNT HOLDER " on the "Portal", “NETTREE MARKET” may provide the name-surname/trade name, store information, “Store User” information, advertisement information and, if any, other requested information, notified by “ACCOUNT HOLDER” to the relevant person or institution.

5.1.3"ACCOUNT HOLDER" must ensure the security of the "username" and "password" used to log in to his/her account, exclusively and individually, and use this data himself/herself. “ACCOUNT HOLDER” should not identify the same “username” and “password” information to the accounts of other websites or In addition, the "username" and "password" information registered in the other website's account should not be defined to the NETTREE MARKET ACCOUNT HOLDER, for any purpose, may not share “username” and “password” information with another user or company or third party or software interface etc. Regarding this subject; “ACCOUNT HOLDER” shall be liable for any material and moral, direct and indirect damages incurred or to be incurred by other users and/or “NETTREE MARKET” and/or third parties and/or itself due to their negligence or faults. NETTREE MARKET reserves the right to recourse to ACCOUNT HOLDER for the damage it may suffer in such a case. Every transaction performed with the account, user name and password of the Store Owner and Store User will be considered as performed by “ACCOUNT HOLDER” in person. And if “ACCOUNT HOLDER” and/or third parties are damaged due to the use, loss or change of ownership of this information by a person other than those authorized by “ACCOUNT HOLDER” in this case, “ACCOUNT HOLDER” will be solely responsible. If there is a doubt that the account information of the people, such as “ACCOUNT HOLDER “, “Store User” or “Store Owner”, who log in to the Portal with a specific user name and password is hijacked by a third party, “ACCOUNT HOLDER” will immediately notify the Portal authorities of the situation.

5.1.4” ACCOUNT HOLDER” accepts and undertakes that the information and content provided by him/her or the Store User (s) within the "Portal" are correct and lawful, not deceptive to the consumer, and that the publication of such information and content on the "Portal" or the sale and display of products related to these contents do not violate the applicable legislation. NETTREE MARKET is not responsible for and is not responsible for investigating the accuracy of the information and content transmitted to NETTREE MARKET by “ACCOUNT HOLDER” or uploaded by "ACCOUNT HOLDER " through the "Portal" and nor can it be held responsible for any damages that may arise due to the inaccuracy or publication of such information and content. In case of changes in the information presented at the stage of opening an "account" “ACCOUNT HOLDER” is obliged to inform “NETTREE MARKET” without delay, new and updated information. In case of not reporting this information, "NETTREE MARKET" reserves the right to recourse to “ACCOUNT HOLDER" for all direct and indirect damages.

5.1.5" “ACCOUNT HOLDER” cannot transfer this "Retail Account Contract“ or its rights and obligations under this "Retail Account Contract “, in whole or in part, to any third party without the written consent of NETTREE MARKET.

5.1.6“ACCOUNT HOLDER” can post advertisements and take action on the “Portal” for legal methods and purposes. "The legal and criminal responsibility of ACCOUNT HOLDER in every transaction and action performed within the "Portal" belongs to itself. ACCOUNT HOLDER" accepts and declares that it will not reproduce "NETTREE MARKET"’s and/or any other third party's real or personal rights, personal data, property that constitutes an infringement of the pictures, texts, visual and audio images, video clips, files, databases, catalogues and lists. It accepts and declares that it will not copy, distribute, process, transfer to another database or upload to the "Portal" in a way that may cause such results. It also declares and undertakes that it will not directly and/or indirectly compete with "NETTREE MARKET" either with these actions or by other means. “NETTREE MARKET” cannot be held responsible directly and/or indirectly in any way on transactions carried out by “ACCOUNT HOLDER” that violates provisions of the “Retail Account Contract” and the law. NETTREE MARKET reserves the right to recourse to the "ACCOUNT HOLDER" for the damage it may suffer in such a case.

5.1.7NETTREE MARKET" only allows “ACCOUNT HOLDER” to view the advertisements and use the "NETTREE MARKET Interface" only for the purpose of learning the contents of the relevant advertisements. Rather than that; it does not allow transactions such as trying to reach a certain number or all of the advertisements through the database for a purpose other than that, copying the advertisements partially or completely, publishing them directly or indirectly in other media, compiling them, processing them. Also; “NETTREE MARKET” does not allow issues such as trying to reach a certain number or all of the advertisements through the database for a purpose, copying the advertisements partially or completely, publishing them directly or indirectly in other media, compiling, processing, and transferring them to other databases. Also, it is not permitted nor consent is given by “NETTREE MARKET” to commit similar acts, including opening this database to third parties' access and use, linking to advertisements on "NETTREE MARKET". Such acts are considered to be against the law and all kinds of claims, lawsuits and follow-up rights of "NETTREE MARKET" are reserved.

5.1.8The reports and similar contents prepared by "NETTREE MARKET" for “ACCOUNT HOLDER” cannot be shared with anyone other than its customers. Also, it is not to make any changes in the report, sell it, quote partially from the report, and make derivative works from the report.

5.1.9“ It is strictly forbidden for “ACCOUNT HOLDER” to take actions that may threaten the security of "Portal" or "NETTREE MARKET" systems and/or harm "Portal", "NETTREE MARKET" and other users. It is also prohibited that the company may not take any action that may prevent the "Portal" and other software belonging to the "Portal" from working or other users from benefiting from the "Portal", placing a disproportionate load on the system or the "Portal" in such a way as to give these results; Unauthorized access to the source codes of the "Portal" or the systems of "NETTREE MARKET". Besides, it is also forbidden to copy, delete, change or make attempts in this direction, to use or try to use software that will prevent the "Portal" from working, or to disrupt the operation of all kinds of software, hardware and servers. In addition, it is prohibited to reverse engineer, organize attacks, engage or interfere with them in any other way, and attempt to gain access to "NETTREE MARKET" servers.

5.2. Rights and Obligations of "NETTREE MARKET"

5.2.1"NETTREE MARKET" accepts and declares to fulfil the services mentioned in this “Retail Account Contract” within the conditions specified in this "Retail Account Contract” and the explanations specified in the "Portal" regarding the provision of related services. So that; it accepts, declares and undertakes to establish and operate the technological infrastructure necessary for the provision of the services specified within the scope of this “Retail Account Contract “. Yet; the obligation to establish the technological infrastructure specified in this article does not mean an unlimited and complete service commitment and “NETTREE MARKET” may at any time stop or terminate its services and technological infrastructure specified in this “Retail Account Contract” without any further notice.

5.2.2“NETTREE MARKET” provided the Portal and “Services”; "As It Is". So; it does not make any claims or commitments that the "Portal" and "Services" are faultless, flawless, uninterrupted, perfect or that “ACCOUNT HOLDER” will meet its own specific needs. "NETTREE MARKET" can make all kinds of changes, updates and similar works on the "Portal" As long as the “ACCOUNT HOLDER” continues to use the Portal and the "Services", it is deemed to accept the "Portal" and "Services" as they are used ("As It Is").

(i) “NETTREE MARKET”; “ACCOUNT HOLDER” is not responsible for the use, non-use, misuse of "Portal" and "Services" or failure of “ACCOUNT HOLDER” to fulfil its commitments and obligations specified in the "Retail Account Contract “.;

(ii) “NETTREE MARKET” is not responsible for all hardware, system software/other software and network-related function and any resulting malfunctions;

(iii) “NETTREE MARKET” is not responsible for network, internet connection, connection errors;

(iv) “NETTREE MARKET is not responsible for errors and malfunctions that may occur as a result of any changes, updates or similar works to be carried out on the "Portal";

(v) “NETTREE MARKET” is not responsible for voltage fluctuations, battery and power cuts, virus contamination and similar factors;

(vi) “NETTREE MARKET” is not responsible for operating system incompatibilities;

(vii) In addition, notwithstanding issues mentioned above; "NETTREE MARKET" is not responsible for the emergence of incompatibilities or errors that prevent “ACCOUNT HOLDER” from using the "Store" and / or "Portal".

Also, it is not responsible all kinds of material, moral and financial damages such as loss of profit, loss of data, loss of business, loss of reputation, loss of expected savings, interruption of business. It also waives compensation claims that can be made by “ACCOUNT HOLDER” or by a third party.

.2.3Except for the purpose and scope determined by the "Retail Account Contract “, “NETTREE MARKET” may also use the data, requested at the stage of opening a "Account", such as information such as name-surname/trade name, phone number, e-mail address, address, business type so that subject to the conditions stipulated in the legislation in force and by obtaining additional approvals and express consents when necessary, to carry out communication activities for promotional and information purposes, research, marketing activities and statistical analyses by sms, e-mail, on-site notifications and similar methods. When deemed necessary; it may use the data to contact “ACCOUNT HOLDER “, to conduct research to improve its processes, to create a database and to conduct market research or it can be transferred to companies that "NETTREE MARKET" cooperates with. These data can be processed and used by these companies.

5.2.4"NETTREE MARKET may link to other websites and/or portals, files or content owned and operated by third parties. These links may be provided by “ACCOUNT HOLDER” or by "NETTREE MARKET" for ease of reference only and do not constitute any kind of verification statement or guarantee for the purpose of supporting the website or the operator to which the link is directed, or for the website or the information it contains. "NETTREE MARKET" has no responsibility for the portals, websites, files and content accessed through the links on the "Portal", the services or products offered from the portals or websites accessed through these links, or their content.

5.2.5"NETTREE MARKET" can remove any messages that are contrary to the operation of the "Portal", the law, the legislation, the rights of others, the terms of the "Retail Account Contract “, the protection of personal data, and the general moral rules, at any time and in any way. Also, "NETTREE MARKET" can shut down the account of “ACCOUNT HOLDER” who enters this message without any notification. NETTREE MARKET may impose additional obligations on the “ACCOUNT HOLDER” depending on the changes in the legislation, these obligations come into force on the date they are published on the “Portal”.

5.2.6NETTREE MARKET" may advertise itself or its customers in all areas that it will determine as advertising space on the "Portal", including advertisement pages.

5.2.7"NETTREE MARKET", "NETTREE MARKET" employees and managers, have no obligation to investigate and check whether the content provided by the "ACCOUNT HOLDER" and "User" on the "Portal" is in compliance with the law, its authenticity and accuracy.

5.2.8“ In case it is determined that the information provided during the application of “ACCOUNT HOLDER” is not sufficient, correct or up-to-date or is misleading and malicious, or, in the event that the application of the person applying for the account has been rejected beforehand, complaints or negative comments are received about the “ACCOUNT HOLDER” during the process of the account, or because of similar reasons “NETTREE MARKET” may terminate this Contract and close the account of “ACCOUNT HOLDER” without any notice, without any liability for compensation. Before closing the account, "NETTREE MARKET" may implement the measures it deems appropriate, including closing the store, so that the necessary examinations can be made by the "NETTREE MARKET" officials. After the account is closed or temporarily suspended or the Contract is terminated for any reason, “NETTREE MARKET”, at its own discretion, has the exclusive authority to decide on the fate of the content or other shares shared by “ACCOUNT HOLDER” on the Portal

5.2.9"NETTREE MARKET" operates as a "Location Provider" in accordance with the Law No. 5651 on "Regulation of Broadcasts on the Internet and Fighting against Crimes Committed through These Broadcasts". NETTREE MARKET does not guarantee that certain results will be produced by itself as a result of the performance of the Contract. “NETTREE MARKET” does not make any statements or commitments, such as (not only limited as) prevention of infringement of intellectual property rights and accuracy of advertisement content, in connection with the use of the “Portal”. Moreover, “NETTREE MARKET” does not take any responsibility for the late delivery, interruption or provision of the services under the Contract for any reason, including but not limited to maintenance, repair works, technical malfunctions.

6. Privacy Policy

6.1"NETTREE MARKET" may use the information related to the “ACCOUNT HOLDER” on the "Portal" within the scope of the Privacy Policy in Annex-2, which is one of the annexes and integral part of this "Retail Account Contract” and this "Retail Account Contract”. "NETTREE MARKET" may disclose or use the confidential information of the “ACCOUNT HOLDER” to third parties only within the conditions specified in the Privacy Policy. “ACCOUNT HOLDER” agrees, declares and undertakes to log in as the Buyer and to share its phone number as Buyer with the Seller in order to enable messaging between the Seller and the Buyer regarding the advertisement.

6.2" Data of the "ACCOUNT HOLDER " that may constitute personal data and entered into the Portal by him, Under the "Retail Account Contract” is collected and processed by “NETTREE MARKET” for the use of the functions of the "Portal", the provision of services and content and the above-mentioned purposes. For detailed information on the Protection of Personal Data, the Clarification Text for the Store Owner under the Personal Data Protection Law page should be visited. “NETTREE MARKET" can make changes in the Personal Data Protection Policy and other personal data related policies, procedures, contract clauses and terms of use at any time. Changes become effective as soon as they are published on the Portal and become binding for the "ACCOUNT HOLDER". The "ACCOUNT HOLDER" is obliged to follow these changes and cannot make any claim or claim for damages from NETTREE MARKET regarding these changes.

6.3The "ACCOUNT HOLDER" is obliged to use the information accessed within the "Portal" only for the purposes disclosed by the "ACCOUNT HOLDER" or "NETTREE MARKET" disclosing this information. So, it is responsible for the protection, processing, transfer of the personal data of the Users or third parties it obtains and for all obligations under the LPPD. However; "NETTREE MARKET" accepts, declares and undertakes that it has no obligation or responsibility under the LPPD for any personal data other than the personal data it collects for the use of the website in its own systems. In case the “ACCOUNT HOLDER” acts in violation of the obligation to protect personal data or processes, transfers or otherwise subjects personal data to a process and this use constitutes a violation; in case of loss of “NETTREE MARKET” incurred as a result of the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Board or administrative authorities or courts regarding personal data, it accepts, declares and undertakes that it will compensate this loss in cash and in full at the first request.

6.In case the “ACCOUNT HOLDER” is a natural person resident of the European Union, he/she accepts that the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data and its secondary regulations, as well as the decisions and regulations of the Personal Data Protection Board, will be applied in relation to its own personal data. It is also to commit and undertake that Turkish national law will be applied in all legal problems that may arise, regardless of the conflict of laws rules, but the European Union Directive 95/46/EC and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into force in the European Union in May 2018, will not be applied. Yet, it accepts, declares and undertakes that it waives the application of the conflict of laws rules of the Turkish International Personal and Procedural Law.

6.5“The ACCOUNT HOLDER accepts and declares that "NETTREE MARKET" does not intervene and does not have any responsibility in situations such as the recording, processing, and removal of the personal data made public by Google or other search engines or similar data indexing systems due to the "NETTREE MARKET" account and/or the advertisements it has published. It accepts, declares and undertakes to direct its application requests as data owner to real and/or legal persons who operate other search engines or search systems, indexing systems, especially Google, which has the title of data controller in indexing-related processes.

6.6“The ACCOUNT HOLDER accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she knows that he/she will not disclose his/her sensitive personal data while placing an advertisement or while using the “NETTREE MARKET” Portal, and that he/she knows that “NETTREE MARKET” has no responsibility regarding the processing of such data in case of disclosure.

6.7ACCOUNT HOLDER is responsible for the processing and transfer of the data it collects from its customers as a data controller in accordance with the Law No. 6698. Also, NETTREE MARKET accepts, declares and undertakes that it has no responsibility in this regard, and that it is responsible for the security measures and all other obligations that must be taken under the Law.

7. Intellectual Property Rights

Information accessed within the "Portal" or provided by users in accordance with the law and all elements of this "Portal" (but not limited to "NETTREE MARKET Database", "NETTREE MARKET Interface", design, text, image, html code and other codes). (Collectively referred to as "NETTREE MARKET's copyrighted works") is owned by "NETTREE MARKET" and/or taken under license from a third party by "NETTREE MARKET". Thus, “Account Owner”, does not have the right to sell, process, share, distribute, display or allow anyone else to access or use the services of "NETTREE MARKET", "NETTREE MARKET" services, "NETTREE MARKET" information and "NETTREE MARKET"'s intellectual and copyrighted works. Within the scope of "Portal Terms of Use", except as expressly permitted by "NETTREE MARKET", it may not reproduce, process, distribute or make derivative works of "NETTREE MARKET"'s copyrighted works. With the conclusion of this “Retail Account Contract” "NETTREE MARKET" establishes a non-exclusive and non-transferable right of use (simple license) to the “ACCOUNT HOLDER” for the limited use of the "Portal" within the framework of the "Retail Account Contract” conditions and for the purpose of benefiting from the "Services".

8. "Account Agreement" Amendments

""NETTREE MARKET", at its sole discretion and acting unilaterally may change this "Retail Account Contract “, its annexes and/or any article at any time it deems appropriate, by publishing it on the "Portal". Amended provisions of this “Retail Account Contract” will be effective on the date it is published on the "Portal", and the current provisions will remain in effect and continue to have its provisions and consequences. This "Retail Account Contract” cannot be changed by unilateral statements of the "ACCOUNT HOLDER ".

9. Force Majeure

Unless otherwise stated in this Contract, In the event that NETTREE MARKET and ACCOUNT HOLDER are prevented from fulfilling their obligations or are detained due to force majeure, they are deemed to be in default in fulfilling their obligations arising from the Contract. Force majeure means events that are unpredictable and irresistible, without the fault or negligence of the aggrieved party, that make the act of a Party temporarily or permanently impossible or, even if the performance of the act is possible, severely upset the balance between the acts against a Party. In the event of force majeure, the aggrieved Party shall immediately inform the other Party and notify in writing within 7 days at the latest from the date of the force majeure, whether the performance has become temporarily or permanently impossible depending on the nature of the force majeure, or the balance between the acts has deteriorated excessively against itself.

If the performance of the act is temporarily impossible due to force majeure, Party whose performance has become impossible due to force majeure may, (i) will make every effort to eliminate the reason for the non-performance, (ii) The other Party will perform all of its acts as soon as this reason disappears, to be kept free from its contractual obligations until this reason disappears.

The Parties agree that if the temporary impossibility of performance lasts more than 30 days, both Parties shall have the right to terminate the Contract without compensation or any additional obligation.

If the performance of the act has become permanently impossible due to force majeure In accordance with Article No.136 of the Turkish Code of Obligations, the debt will expire on the date when the performance of the performance becomes impossible due to the impossibility of perfect performance and the legal provisions will find application.

If Force Majeure has occurred and only if the performance of the act has not become temporarily or permanently impossible but if the balance between the acts is severely disturbed to the detriment of one party, Party affected by force majeure will first request a written negotiation to the other Party in order to re-establish the balance between the actions. So, the parties will negotiate on the arrangement of the adaptation conditions between them without progressing to court proceedings. If such process does not result in a Contract within 30 days from the receipt of the relevant negotiation request, it will be possible for the Party whose balance of performance has deteriorated against itself to request adaptation by applying to the court. The parties agree and declare that the performance of the monetary debt will not be impossible. In case performance of the act deemed to be objectively possible, “ACCOUNT HOLDER” accepts that the additional obligations brought to it due to the change in legislation cannot be considered as force majeure and therefore it will not be possible to request changes in the provisions of the Contract.

10. Validity

The annexes referred to in this “Retail Account Contract” and “Account Contact” and which are an integral part of the “Retail Account Contract” and the rules and conditions in the “Portal”, with the electronic approval of the "ACCOUNT HOLDER ", it will be deemed to have entered into force by being concluded electronically. The invalidity, illegality or non-applicability of any provision of the "Retail Account Contract" shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the "Retail Account Contract ".

11. Annexes to “Retail Account Contract”

“ACCOUNT HOLDER “ accepts and declares that it has read and understood the contents of the terms and rules published on the "Portal" including “Retail Account Contract “ and its annexes, which are integral parts of the “Retail Account Contract “ where annexes are as follows: “Annex-1 Terms of Use, Annex-2 Privacy Policy, Annex-3 NETTREE MARKET Services, Annex-4 Advertisement, Offering for Sale, Listing of Prohibited Products and Services, Annex-5 Change in User Profile, Annex-6 NETTREE MARKET Services Category Rules, Annex-7 Store Usage Rules", Annex-8 Advertising Rules and in addition, as “ACCOUNT HOLDER” , it declares and undertakes that it accepts unconditionally and unconditionally that it will act in accordance with the “Retail Account Contract “ and its annexes” and all conditions and rules published on the “Portal”.


Annex-1 Terms of Use

Annex-2 Privacy Policy

Annex-3 NETTREE MARKET Services

Annex-4 Advertisement Rules and Prohibited Products

Annex-5 Change in User Profile

Annex-6 NETTREE MARKET Services Category Rules

Annex-7 Store Usage Rules

Annex-1 Terms of use

1. Terms of Use

To use the website www.nettreemarket.com, please read the terms written below. Whenever you visit the www.nettreemarket.com website and/or use its mobile applications (website and/or mobile applications will hereinafter be referred to as "Portal") and/or as acting capacity of “Account Owner”,

You agree that you have read these "Terms of Use", that you fully understand its content, that you unconditionally and unconditionally accept all the matters specified in the "Terms of Use" and in the "Portal" and that will take place over time, you accept, declare and undertake that you will not raise objections and defences. If you do not accept these conditions, please do not use "Portal".

1.1This Portal is under custody of NETTREE MARKET BİLİŞİM VE TEKNOLOJİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ which is located in “Huzur Mahallesi Azerbaycan Caddesi No:4B/39 Sarıyer/İSTANBUL” (which will be referred as "NETTREE MARKET" hereafter) . The services offered on the "Portal" and specified in article 3 of these "Terms of Use" are provided by "NETTREE MARKET".

1.2.NETTREE MARKET" can change these "Terms of Use", any information and "Content" in the "Portal" at any time without any notice or notification to the "USER". These changes will be published on “www.nettreemarket.com” periodically and will be valid on the date of publication. “Every natural or legal person who benefits from the services of the Portal by paying a certain price or free of charge or accessing the "Portal" in any way shall be regarded as it accepted "Terms of Use" and any changes made by "NETTREE MARKET" to these "Terms of Use". These "Terms of Use" are published on the www.nettreemarket.com website and it is possible by every natural or legal person using the "Portal" to access these terms


“Portal”:refers to the website where "NETTREE MARKET", consisting of the domain name www.nettreemarket.com and the subdomains connected to this domain, offers its "Services".

“User”:Every natural or legal person accessing to “Portal”.

“Account Owner”:“refers to the "User" who has an account on the Portal and benefits from the services offered within the "Portal" within the conditions specified in this contract.

“NETTREE MARKET Services” ("Service"):These are the applications offered by "NETTREE MARKET" in order to enable the "ACCOUNT HOLDER " in the "Portal" to carry out the business and transactions defined in this contract. "NETTREE MARKET" may make changes and/or adaptations to the "Services" offered in the "Portal" at any time. The rules and conditions that the "ACCOUNT HOLDER" is obliged to comply with regarding the changes and/or adaptations made are announced to the "ACCOUNT HOLDER" from the "Portal", and the announced terms and conditions take effect on the date they are published on the "Portal".

“Content”:All kinds of information, texts, files, pictures, videos, numbers, etc. published on the "Portal" and accessible. Visual, written and auditory images.

"NETTREE MARKET Interface":All kinds of visual, written and auditory images information, texts, files, pictures, videos, numbers, etc. published on the "Portal" and accessible, websites used by "Users", which are protected under the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846 and whose intellectual rights belong to "NETTREE MARKET", give commands to the computer program to perform all kinds of transactions that can be made through the "Portal".

NETTREE MARKET Database”:“It is the database protected in accordance with the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works belonging to "NETTREE MARKET", where the contents accessed within the Portal are stored, classified, queried and accessed.


3.1.NETTREE MARKET" ensures that the contents uploaded to the "NETTREE MARKET Database" by the "ACCOUNT HOLDER" can be viewed by "Users" through the "NETTREE MARKET Database" by using interfaces.

3.2.NETTREE MARKET", provides various types of listing services that prioritize the display of advertisements in order to enable "Users" to access "ACCOUNT HOLDER" advertisements more easily within the Portal.

3.3."NETTREE MARKET", offers reporting services under various categories regarding the transactions and number of views performed within the "Portal".

3.4."NETTREE MARKET", reserves the right to add new services to the services it provides within the "Portal", and to change the scope and delivery conditions of the existing services and the "Content" accessed within the "Portal" at any time, to close and delete the access of third parties. "NETTREE MARKET" can use this right in any way it wishes, without any notice or prior notice.


4.1"Users" can take action on the "Portal" for legal purposes. The legal and criminal responsibility for every transaction and action performed by the "Users" within the "Portal" will belong to them. And “User” accepts, declares and undertakes that “NETTREE MARKET” does not have any responsibility regarding such legal and penal obligations.

4.2.The “Portal” works on the basis of displaying the "Content" uploaded to the "NETTREE MARKET Database" by the "ACCOUNT HOLDER", "NETTREE MARKET" does not guarantee the accuracy, authenticity, safety and legality of the advertisements and "Content" displayed by "Users". "User" accepts and declares that "NETTREE MARKET" has no responsibility for the aforementioned advertisements and "Content", and that "NETTREE MARKET" will not be liable for any compensation for any damages that may arise.

4.3"USER " accepts and declares that it will not reproduce, copy, distribute, process any kind of pictures, texts, visual and audio images, video clips, files, databases, catalogues and lists within the "PORTAL". It also commits and undertakes that will not engage in any commercial activity by carrying out such actions; accepts and undertakes that it will not directly and/or indirectly engage in acts and transactions that constitute unfair competition.

4.4Users" accept and undertake that they will not engage in activities that will lead to unfair competition within the "Portal" in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code, and that they will not engage in acts that will undermine the personal and commercial reputation of "NETTREE MARKET" and third parties, infringe or abuse personal rights.Also, it commits and undertakes that it will act in accordance with the legislation, public order and general moral rules and it will take the measures required by the legislation and fulfil the procedures. In addition to this, "Users" commit and undertake that it will not engage in illegal, criminal, irritating, damaging personal rights, infringing intellectual rights, copyrights, trademark rights and property rights.

4.5."In accordance with the Law No. 5651, "NETTREE MARKET" has a "Location Provider Activity Certificate". In order to comply with the obligations imposed on the "Location Providers" in accordance with the Law No. 5651 and the relevant legislation, it records and keeps the records of the "Users" on the "Portal" within the legal period, as specified in the relevant legislation.

4.7.NETTREE MARKET", may use, process, share, disclose, classify and store "User" information on a database, use it for promotional and informative communication activities, marketing activities and for statistical analysis. "NETTREE MARKET" at the same time; may also use information such as the user's IP address, which parts of the "Portal" he has visited, domain type, browser type, date and time, for statistical evaluation and to provide personalized services and offers. ”NETTREE MARKET” may transfer User information to the companies it cooperates with in order to conduct research to improve its processes, create a database and conduct market research, and User information may be processed by these companies limited to the above-mentioned purposes.

4.8.NETTREE MARKET, for online behavioural advertising and marketing, has the right to associate the behaviour of the user on the site with a cookie in the browser, and to define remarketing lists based on metrics such as the number of pages viewed, the visit time and the number of target completions. It also has the right to define, use marketing automation tools and send special messages/offers and suggestions to the user. Later, it may display to this user targeted advertising content on the site or other sites in the Display Network, based on users' interests. Moreover, during the redirection of AFS advertisements to the NETTREE MARKET, Google may place cookies on the Google USER LARI browser or read the cookies contained in them or use web beacons to collect information.

4.9.It is legal to access the database where the content accessed and/or viewed through the "Portal" is stored only for the purpose of displaying the relevant content as well as access to "NETTREE MARKET" by third parties within the framework of the "Terms of Use" is legal. Accesses other than this are against the law; "NETTREE MARKET reserves all rights of claim, lawsuit and follow-up.

4.10.“NETTREE MARKET" allows viewing the contents of the advertisements for learning purposes and using the "NETTREE MARKET Interface". "NETTREE MARKET" does not allow the processing of similar acts, including processing, changing, transferring to other databases, opening this database to third parties' access and use, linking to advertisements on "NETTREE MARKET" nor trying to reach advertisements in a certain number or for all of them, copying advertisements, customer information, designs, code and software, information in the database partially or completely, publishing them directly or indirectly in other channels, compiling them. Such acts are against the law; "NETTREE MARKET's claims, lawsuits and follow-up rights are reserved.

4.11.The following types of actions will be blocked at the discretion of NETTREE MARKET: Using the whole or any part of the Portal for the purpose of disrupting, changing, reverse engineering, trying to break API protocols with reverse engineering method or any other method, and parameters such as API key, API secret key, request headers, client authentication algorithm. unauthorized access or sharing these parameters with third parties without permission, attempting to access the "Site" in a way that hinders, disrupts or interferes with the communication or technical systems of the "Portal", using automated programs, robots, spiders, web crawlers, spiders, data mining, data crawling, etc. on the site, using "screen scraping" software or systems, automated tools or manual processes, unauthorized access to other users' data or software, determinations to be made according to various criteria, bot-running, DDOS attacks, and attacks against all kinds of systems and other unlawful uses to disrupt, change, reduce or destroy the current performance of all or a part of all kinds of systems. Even though there are no such type of usage; in case it is deemed necessary by NETTREE MARKET, use of the Portal can only be allowed after the "ACCOUNT HOLDER " logs in with his username and password. It is illegal to use the "Site" and the content on the "Portal" outside the usage limits determined by the "Terms of Use". So; all kinds of claims, lawsuits and follow-up rights of "NETTREE MARKET" regarding this issue are reserved. In case of detection of unlawful use of these terms and conditions, “NETTREE MARKET” has the right to notify the “User” to the competent authorities. The “User” accepts that he is “personally responsible” for damages and claims resulting from such uses.

4.12.“NETTREE MARKET" is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages that may occur in case of interruption of the service provided on the Portal, disruptions in information transmission, delays, failures, data loss. The "User" accepts and undertakes that "NETTREE MARKET" cannot be held responsible for the issue

4.13.Trust Stamp, only in accordance with the relevant Communiqué; indicates the existence of regulatory compliance criteria which are reviewed, monitored and controlled by the Trust Stamp Provider (TSP). Apart from this, the Trust Stamp Provider should in no way be regarded as the guarantor or the undertaker of the contract between the parties and it is not the guarantor of the defect-free qualifications and the complete supply and delivery of the goods or services on the e-commerce site. Also, The Trust Stamp Provider cannot be held legally responsible for the goods not being delivered, delivered late or not delivered in accordance with the promised qualifications.


Information accessed within this “Portal” or provided by users in accordance with the law and all elements of this "Portal" (Notwithstanding with Portal; "NETTREE MARKET Database", "NETTREE MARKET Interface", design, text, image, html code and other codes) (collectively referred to as "NETTREE MARKET's copyrighted works") were licensed by "NETTREE MARKET" and/or provided by "NETTREE MARKET" by a third party. " Users regarding "NETTREE MARKET" services, "NETTREE MARKET" information and "NETTREE MARKET"'s copyrighted works, they do not have the right to resell, process, copy, share, distribute, display or allow anyone else to access or use the services of "NETTREE MARKET". Except as expressly permitted by "NETTREE MARKET" within these "Site Terms of Use", you cannot reproduce, process, distribute or make derivative works of "NETTREE MARKET"'s copyrighted works.

In cases where "NETTREE MARKET" is not expressly authorized within these "Terms of Use", "NETTREE MARKET"; keeps commercial view or other assets and information reserved regarding information provided through NETTREE MARKET" services, "NETTREE MARKET" information, "NETTREE MARKET" copyrighted works, "NETTREE MARKET" trademarks, "NETTREE MARKET" commercial view or other assets.


"NETTREE MARKET" can unilaterally change these "Terms of Use" at any time by declaring it on the "Portal". Changed provisions of these "Terms of Use", will enter into force on the date of their announcement. These "Terms of Use" cannot be changed by unilateral statements of the "User".


In all cases where it is considered force majeure legally, in case of late performance, incomplete performance or non-performance, "NETTREE MARKET" will not be liable for any compensation. "Force majeure" shall be interpreted as events beyond the reasonable control of the relevant party and which "NETTREE MARKET" cannot prevent despite reasonable conduct. Natural disasters, wars, fires, strikes, uprisings, riots, bad weather conditions, infrastructure and internet failures, system improvement or renewal works, and any malfunctions that may occur due to this reason, are among the force majeure conditions, without being limited to those listed above.


These "Terms of Use" come into force on the date of publication by "NETTREE MARKET" on the "Portal". Once they use the “Portal”, "Users" are deemed to have accepted these "Terms of Use" and the changes made over time.

ANNEX-2 Privacy Policy

Purpose of this Privacy Policy, To determine the terms and conditions regarding the use of the website at https://www.nettreemarket.com/ (“Portal”), which is managed by NETTREE MARKET BİLİŞİM VE TEKNOLOJİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ (“NETTREE MARKET” or “Company”). In interpreting the terms not defined in this Privacy Policy, the definitions in the Terms of Use and Retail Account Contract will be taken into account. Users will be deemed to have accepted this Privacy Policy upon accepting the Retail Account Contract.

By investing in technology, NETTREE MARKET constantly renews itself and works to provide the best service in order to provide better service to its users in the internet field with innovative product and service applications.

NETTREE MARKET has the right to associate the behaviour of the User on the site with a cookie in the browser, even if they are not the "ACCOUNT HOLDER" for the purpose of online behavioural advertising and marketing. It also has the right to define remarketing lists based on metrics such as number of pages viewed, duration of visit and number of goal completions. Then, targeted advertising content may be displayed to this User on the site or other sites in the Display Network, according to the interests of the Users. During the redirection of Google AFS ads to NETTREE MARKET, Google may place cookies on users' browsers or read the cookies contained in them or use web beacons to collect information.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

NETTREE MARKET may update and change the provisions of this Privacy Policy at any time by publishing it on the Portal. Updates and changes made by NETTREE MARKET in the Privacy Policy will be valid from the date they are published on the Portal.

The User undertakes that the subject information of this Privacy Policy is complete, accurate and up-to-date. It also commits and undertakes to update it immediately at https://nettreemarket.com/ in case of any amendments in this information. If the User has not provided up-to-date information, NETTREE MARKET will not have any responsibility.

ANNEX-3 Nettree Market Services

NETTREE MARKET; regarding the services mentioned below and other services that it will implement over time, may change the "price" and/or "rule" and/or "content" at any time without any notice or notice to the "User"/"ACCOUNT HOLDER " or might cease any of services provided. Amendments made by NETTREE MARKET regarding its services, will be valid as of the date of its publication on the "Portal". Every real or legal person accessing the "Portal" is deemed to have accepted all changes made by "NETTREE MARKET".

1. "NETTREE MARKET" Advertisement Services

1.1The "ACCOUNT HOLDER" will create advertisements in accordance with the rules determined by "NETTREE MARKET" over the "NETTREE MARKET Account" and will upload it to the NETTREE MARKET Database.

1.2"NETTREE MARKET" will evaluate the post(s) created by the "ACCOUNT HOLDER" and will accept or reject the publication of the specified advertisements on the "Portal". "NETTREE MARKET" will freely determine and determine the criteria, conditions and periods for the evaluation of the advertisements and publish them on the "Portal".

1.3NETTREE MARKET" may temporarily or permanently stop the publication of the relevant advertisement without giving any notice to the ACCOUNT HOLDER. Due to the fact that the advertisements published on the "Portal" are against the law and morality, infringe on the personal and commercial rights of others, or are subject to warnings made in this regard or for reasons such as direct or indirect violation of the terms and conditions contained in this contract and the "Portal". "NETTREE MARKET" agrees and declares that it will not make any refunds to the "ACCOUNT HOLDER" regarding the aforementioned situation. Also; "ACCOUNT HOLDER" also accepts, declares and undertakes that he will not demand or sue from "NETTREE MARKET" for the refund of the amount he/she has paid

1.4"NETTREE MARKET" may sign a Contract with third parties so that the "ACCOUNT HOLDER "'s advertisements and the text, images and content in the advertisement can be displayed on other sites, search engines and "NETTREE MARKET" advertisements and advertisements. The "ACCOUNT HOLDER" expressly declares and accepts that it has authorized "NETTREE MARKET" in this regard

1.5The "ACCOUNT HOLDER" accepts that the responsibility of all kinds of work and transactions made through the "NETTREE MARKET Account" belongs to him/her. In this regard; he/she accepts, declares and undertakes that it will not put forward any defines and/or objection that it has not carried out the work and transactions performed here, and/or will not abstain from fulfilling its obligations based on this statement or objection.

1.6The "ACCOUNT HOLDER" accepts and declares that he/she will not carry out any unlawful act such as defamation, defamation, commercial slander, threat or harassment in the advertisements to be published on the "Portal". Also; he/she It accepts, declares and undertakes that it will not take initiatives and actions that will cause unjustified or excessive burden on the infrastructure of the "Portal", and that it will not allow texts and images with disgraceful, pornographic or immoral content to be included in the advertisements to be published on the "Portal".

1.7“Account Owner” will advertise and promote its goods and services with real, accurate and legal information in the advertisements it has published on the "Portal". “The ACCOUNT HOLDER is legally prohibited from posting advertisements regarding goods and services that do not have the power of disposition, as stated in the advertisement. In this context, “NETTREE MARKET” may temporarily suspend the “Account” for the “ACCOUNT HOLDER” who advertises, without giving any notice to the “ACCOUNT HOLDER”, close the Account, and terminate this Contract unilaterally without any obligation to refund.

1.8“Account Owner” shall not post any advertisements contrary to any legislation, including but not limited to those regulating consumer protection, intellectual property rights, unfair competition, advertising, and that any declarations contrary to these legislations in their advertisements; accepts, declares and undertakes that there will be no images such as pictures, videos.

1.9"Account Owner” accepts, declares and undertakes to pay the fee for the category it has chosen

1.10As described in detail in the "Stores" section of the "Portal" and its limits specified, “ACCOUNT HOLDER” may publish its own advertisements in a section of its own, together with the content and information determined by it, on the "Portal". In order for the "ACCOUNT HOLDER " to publish their advertisements as specified in this article, rather than fees mentioned in this Contract, it is necessary to pay the fees specified in the "Stores" section of the Portal and it is required that he/she must comply with the rules and conditions specified in this section and also accept, declare and undertake to comply with the rules and conditions specified in ANNEX-7 Account Rules.

1.11Real or legal persons using the "Portal" can open only one account on the "Portal". For this purpose, users; accepts, declares and undertakes not to open more than one "NETTREE MARKET Account" using different user names, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers. If it is determined by NETTREE MARKET that this rule has been violated; “All "NETTREE MARKET Accounts" of the ACCOUNT HOLDER may be temporarily suspended by NETTREE MARKET or the account of this ACCOUNT HOLDER may be closed. In case the user whose "Account" has been closed or whose "Account" has been suspended for any reason opens a new account to enter the Portal and this new account is detected by NETTREE MARKET; NETTREE MARKET reserves the right to cancel all "NETTREE MARKET Accounts" of this user without any notice and to terminate this Contract unilaterally without any refund, compensation or penal clause liability

2. “NETTREE MARKET” Listing Service

2.1This "Service" is to ensure that the advertisement contents entered by the "ACCOUNT HOLDER" through the "NETTREE MARKET Account" are displayed under the categories in the "NETTREE MARKET" "Portal". Listing is done through the dynamic infrastructure of the "NETTREE MARKET" "portal", in line with the queries that "Users" have customized under the relevant categories. This action also covers displaying the advertisements of the "ACCOUNT HOLDER " by the "User" on the "NETTREE MARKET" interface in the order determined by "NETTREE MARKET" dir. Listing is based on the principle of displaying the automatic replies to the "User" to which the computer program running on the "NETTREE MARKET" database of the queries coming to the "NETTREE MARKET" database. Advertisements displayed as a result of this query are listed automatically if the “ACCOUNT HOLDER” has not chosen the doping services specified in this document. If the "ACCOUNT HOLDER " wishes to have the ads in the listing in a different way (in terms of query order, legibility of the advertisements, content of the advertisements, etc.); he/she has to benefit from the doping services contained in this document.

2.2The choice under which category their ads will be displayed primarily belongs to the "Account Holder". In case the category determined by the "Account Holder" is not related to the subject of the announcement; “NETTREE MARKET” may ensure that the relevant advertisement is displayed under the category related to its subject without any notification to the “Account Holder”.

3.“NETTREE MARKET” Store Pages Services

3.1It is the service that allows the content of the advertisements entered by the "ACCOUNT HOLDER" through the "NETTREE MARKET Account" to be displayed collectively on the pages to be created under the name of "store" by the "ACCOUNT HOLDER" for a fee determined by NETTREE MARKET.

3.2Terms of use and utilization of Store Pages Services are specified in the relevant section of the Portal in the explanations for the "ACCOUNT HOLDER ". The “ACCOUNT HOLDER” is obliged to comply with the conditions specified in these explanations.

4. “NETTREE MARKET” Boost/Advertisement/Package Service

4.1In order to make it easier for Portal users to reach the advertisements published within the portal in different ways than other advertisements or in order to increase the visual effectiveness of the advertisements. “ACCOUNT OWNER”, can benefit from a number of fee-based Boost/Advertisement/Package service offered by “NETTREE MARKET”.

4.2Through this "Service," the "Account Holder" can ensure that the listings of the advertisements/boosts/packages entered through the "NETTREE MARKET Account" appear in different formats. If during the creation of the listing, the "Account Holder" selects one or more of the boosts/advertisements/packages determined by NETTREE MARKET in terms of content and fees, the listing will be displayed in a different format on the listing, depending on the features of the selected boost/advertisement/package or boosts/advertisements/packages chosen by the "Account Holder," compared to the listings that have not been selected. The boost/advertisement/package belongs only to the selected listing. It cannot be transferred to a different listing before or after the expiration of the selected period by the "Account Holder." Any delay in the display of the advertisement/boost/package due to page errors or database issues on NETTREE MARKET will be resolved by adding extra days to the duration of the advertisement/boost/package, subject to the problematic days caused by NETTREE MARKET's source page errors or database problems.

4.3The content and fees of advertisements/boosts/packages are determined by NETTREE MARKET. NETTREE MARKET reserves the right and authority to change the said content and fees at any time, with the condition that these changes will be announced on the "Portal." If an advertisement with boosts is removed by the "Account Holder" or if it is found to be in violation of the site rules, NETTREE MARKET will remove the advertisement/boost/package and will not provide a refund to the ad owner ("Account Holder").

With Nettreemarket.com, our system operates through advertisement/boost/package services, allowing you to reach a significantly larger pool of potential buyers and achieve higher visibility compared to an ad without a package or boost. As your audience increases, our platform provides the opportunity to sell your product at the desired price. The contents of the advertisements/boosts/packages are determined by Nettree Market and include:

4.3.1. Advertisement Services:

Standard Advertisement:With a standard ad, you are entitled to upload 10 free ads during the initial membership, granted only once to users.
Super Advertisement:A super ad ensures that one of your ads remains active for 30 days. Additionally, every 15 days, it is elevated to the top and highlighted with the Color Frame Boost.
Premium Advertisement:A premium ad guarantees 30 days of visibility, with the added benefit of being featured at the top every 10 days. Furthermore, it secures a spot in the Homepage Showcase.

4.3.2. Boost Services:

Category Showcase:You can purchase a Category Showcase to display your ad in the showcase section on the page of the category your ad belongs to. Boost duration: 1, 2, 4 weeks.
I am on the Top:As time passes and new ads are published, your ad may fall to the back of search lists. To keep your ad at the top of the Advanced Ranking option and increase visibility, you can purchase Top Placement. Boost duration: 1, 2, 4 weeks.
Homepage Showcase:If you want your ad to appear on the homepage and in the showcase area of the nettreemarket.com website and mobile application, you can purchase the Homepage Showcase. Boost duration: 1, 2, 4 weeks.
Color Frame Boost:To have your ad appear with a colorful frame in search lists and draw attention, you can purchase the Color Frame Boost. Boost duration: 1, 2, 4 weeks.

4.3.3. Package Service:

Bronze Package:We introduce our most affordable and feature-packed membership package, the Bronze Package. Similar to our other packages, Bronze Package guarantees each member a top placement and attracts attention by adding a colorful frame boost to their products. Additionally, Bronze Package holders have the opportunity to showcase three products monthly in the story section on nettreemarket.com's homepage.
Silver Package:With the Silver Package, we elevate our members one step further. In addition to the advantages of Bronze membership, Silver members enjoy more comprehensive benefits. The Silver package is designed to promote your products to a larger audience through instant notifications via WhatsApp, regular social media sharing, and extensive data analysis to take your store to the next level.
Gold Package:Nettree Market's most comprehensive and exclusive package is the Gold Package. Gold Package holders enjoy free access to all boosts. Moreover, only Gold members are featured in the "Featured Companies" section on our homepage, standing out prominently. Additionally, their products regain top placement in the relevant category every 10 days. Lastly, Gold members have seven products featured in the story section on our homepage every 10 days, increasing their visibility

5. “NETTREE MARKET” Additional Services

“ACCOUNT OWNER”, In addition to the basic "services" listed above, the "Services" announced on the "Portal" and the terms of use of which are specified in the relevant parts of the "Portal", if a fee is foreseen for the relevant service, can be benefited by paying the specified fee. “ACCOUNT OWNER” agrees and undertakes to comply with the obligations within the framework of the explanations made in the relevant section of the “Portal” regarding the services defined by “NETTREE MARKET” within the scope of this article and announced in the relevant section of the “Portal”.

Annex-4 Posting Rules

“Posting Advertisement Rules” in all categories listed below are valid for those who are ACCOUNT HOLDER. ACCOUNT OWNER, in the entry of the advertisement, is deemed to have accepted and committed to comply with the rules of posting and the rules specified in the Retail Account Contract, and not to include in the advertisement any explanations that may deceive the consumer, in accordance with the legislation, especially the laws and regulations.

Users are obliged to use the information they access within the "Portal" only in accordance with the purpose of the "ACCOUNT OWNER" or "NETTREE MARKET" that discloses this information, but not for non-commercial purpose. The contact information in the advertisements entered by the advertiser ACCOUNT OWNER can only be used for communication to get information about the advertisement. Personal data and/or special quality personal data belonging to the advertiser or third parties, which can be included in the advertisement and are under protection under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698; these data; cannot be used for any other purpose, copied, published in other media directly or indirectly, processed, distributed, transferred to other databases and made available to third parties for access and use.

Advertisers approve the publication of their advertisements, which are deemed appropriate by NETTREE MARKET, on social media, press releases and other media.

Advertisement Posting Rules

  1. Only information about the product should be included in the ad title and ad description section.
  2. In the title and in the description section of the ad, no advertising content should be written, links and photos should not be added.
  3. The photos and videos used in the advertisements to be published must belong to the product sold.
  4. Correct information must be included in the criteria (price, quality, etc.) specified in the advertisement entries.
  5. In the content of the attached photos, links or names of different e-commerce websites, campaign text instead of the photo of the product, phone number or links, logos or names of different websites should not be included. In the visuals marked as the selected showcase picture; phone numbers, links to websites, coloured backgrounds, coloured frames, text contents, company names, Photoshop and similar applications and plug-ins should not be included.
  6. Photos of a different user's advertisement in the system should not be used.
  7. Only one advertisement for a product can be placed on nettreemarket.com. The same advertisement cannot be posted for the second time. These announcements can be deleted, their accounts can be frozen or cancelled by ACCOUNT HOLDER s who engage in this and similar activities.
  8. Advertisements and pre-order advertisements for the sale of the products you own can be published.
  9. A duplicate of an entered listing cannot be re-entered into the system by deleting the initial listing. Accounts engaging in activities such as deleting an ad and re-entering it into the system from scratch, or similar activities, may have such listings removed, their accounts temporarily suspended, or cancelled.
  10. Different images should be used for each ad, the same image cannot be used in a second ad.
  11. Fictive prices should not be given for products for sale. Prices should be stated including VAT.
  12. Web page name, e-mail address and company contact information should not be included in the explanation sections of the advertisements. Phone number and username should only be published in the "User Information" section. Store users can prepare a promotional page for their stores and publish their contact and address information in this field, but they should not specify a web page name.
  13. The information entered on criteria determined by nettreemarket.com for the advertisement during the posting phase cannot be changed by the one that gives the advertisement afterwards, where such person accepts in advance that they will not object to this issue. nettreemarket.com reserves the right to determine which criteria information cannot be changed, to make changes in the criteria it has determined over time, and to apply the criteria it has determined as of the date of change to all advertisements.

Annex - 5 Change in User Profile

"Portal":refers to the website consisting of the domain name www.nettreemarket.com and the subdomains connected to this domain name

"User": refers toreal and legal person accessing the "Portal" from the online environment.

"ACCOUNT OWNER ":Real and/or legal persons who create an account on the www.nettreemarket.com portal and benefit from the services provided within the "Portal" within the conditions specified in this contract.

Account”:Registration process, required to become an ACCOUNT OWNER in the "Portal" by the "User" who wants to create an account, is completed by paying the fee and the registration process is approved by "NETTREE MARKET" as well as filling in the account form, giving the identity information, confirming the correctness of the identity information, if the service requested in the account form is a paid service, one cannot have the right and authority to become the “Account Owner” defined in this Contract before the account creation process is completed.

Buyer":refers to "ACCOUNT OWNER " that is the natural or legal person who purchases the goods and services offered for sale by the "Seller" through the "Secure Electronic Commerce System" by using the "Secure Electronic Commerce System" service specified in this contract;

"Seller":refers to real and/or legal person who offers the goods and/or services for which he/she has the right by using the "Secure Electronic Commerce" service specified in this contract and authority to make all kinds of savings without legal contention, for the "ACCOUNT OWNER"

NETTREE MARKET Services (Briefly "Service"):Indicates the practices put forward by "NETTREE MARKET" within the "Portal", in order to enable "ACCOUNT OWNER" to perform the business and transactions defined in this contract that is indicated on Annex-2. NETTREE MARKET" may make changes and/or adaptations to the "Services" at any time in order to enable the "ACCOUNT OWNER" to perform the work and transactions defined in this contract more effectively on the applications revealed in the "Portal". The rules and conditions that "ACCOUNT OWNER" is obliged to comply with, regarding these changes and / or adaptations made by "NETTREE MARKET", it is announced by "NETTREE MARKET" to the "ACCOUNT OWNER" from the "Portal" that there are explanations about the use of the related "Service". User Profile pages are information pages which display the scores and comments made by the users in line with the evaluations of other buyers and sellers as a result of the purchase and sale transactions they have made by using the "Secure Electronic Commerce Service" over the "NETTREE MARKET" "portal" in the past. The ACCOUNT OWNER Profile evaluation system is an evaluation system created entirely by the initiative and evaluations of those who are “ACCOUNT OWNER” in order to enable secure communication and trade between “ACCOUNT OWNER” ones, “ACCOUNT OWNER” and “Users” to have an idea about other “ACCOUNT OWNER”. And scoring system. . Only “ACCOUNT OWNER” and “NETTREE MARKET” have the right and authority to enter new messages in ACCOUNT OWNER Profile. When adding new comments to the "ACCOUNT OWNER" user profile, they will only enter their comments in line with their experience and knowledge gained in the use of "NETTREE MARKET" "Service" and "Portal". All legal and criminal liability comments and ratings regarding the comments and ratings made by those who are "ACCOUNT OWNER" while creating the "ACCOUNT OWNER" profile and adding new comments to the user profile belong to the "ACCOUNT OWNER". "NETTREE MARKET" will not accept any legal responsibility for the comments and ratings in the User Profiles. “NETTREE MARKET” has no obligation to investigate or evaluate whether the comments and ratings in question are fair or accurate. ACCOUNT OWNERs cannot, under any circumstance, use any method to manipulate the ACCOUNT OWNER Profile evaluation system, to force the counterparty “ACCOUNT OWNER” to make a positive comment about his/her profile or to prevent negative comments. If they do so; they accept and declare that they will compensate NETTREE MARKET for all the losses and that NETTREE MARKET has the right to terminate this Contract unilaterally and without notice and to close the account of "ACCOUNT OWNER". “ACCOUNT OWNER” cannot transfer the profile created for it to another “ACCOUNT OWNER” under any terms and conditions or allow its use in any way. In case “ACCOUNT OWNER” transfers the ACCOUNT OWNER profile created for him/her to someone else or makes it available for use. "ACCOUNT OWNER" accepts and declares that NETTREE MARKET has the right to terminate this Contract and terminate the account of "ACCOUNT OWNER" unilaterally and without notice.

Users accept and declare that "NETTREE MARKET" has the right to remove the comment in question and / or temporarily suspend or close the "NETTREE MARKET" account of the comment owner, if the comments made by them fall into one of the categories listed below:

  1. If it has been determined by a court decision that the comment is defamatory or defamatory, or defamatory or illegal, and the said decision has been submitted to NETTREE MARKET
  2. If the comment contains slang and racist expressions
  3. In case the comment contains statements that are against general morality, injure personal rights or humiliate
  4. If Comment contains personal information, address, telephone, e-mail address, etc. of the commented user, excluding the current information available to all NETTREE MARKET users;
  5. In case the comment was made by users who gave false and/or fake user information to NETTREE MARKET and could not be reached;
  6. In case the comment is negative and given to another user by mistake and this situation is reported to “NETTREE MARKET” by the user who has the comment.
  7. If the comment contains a link or script.

In case “ACCOUNT OWNER” violates the rules specified by NETTREE MARKET on the portal; or if he/she violates the provisions of this contract and its annexes, they accept and declare that penalty points can be deducted from user profiles by NETTREE MARKET.

Annex - 6 NETTREE MARKET.com Service Rules


1.1ACCOUNT HOLDER;specifies the categories that it is professional and will serve by saving the information in the "I want to provide service" option under the "NETTREE MARKET.com Services" category to the system. Only tradesmen and companies (individual companies, commercial companies, etc.) will be able to provide services on nettreemarket.com Services as ACCOUNT HOLDER. Real persons do not have the opportunity to provide services.

1.2.ACCOUNT HOLDER;accepts that the account fee that NETTREE MARKET will determine separately for each service category will be collected from the bank account registered in the payment information it has notified to NETTREE MARKET every 30 days.

1.3.ACCOUNTHOLDER has the opportunity to change credit card information whenever he/she wishes.

2.nettreemarket.com Service Procedure

2.1.ACCOUNT HOLDERS are ranked according to their scores registered in the system in the search results in the category/categories they are related to. Scoring will be made according to the Scoring conditions determined by NETTREE MARKET and may be changed from time to time and the scoring system cannot be interpreted as NETTREE MARKET certifying, approving or recommending any ACCOUNT HOLDER. The ACCOUNT HOLDER profiles with the highest score according to the scoring conditions appear in the top row in the search results in rotation.

2.2.Individual ACCOUNT HOLDERS receive services from ACCOUNT HOLDERS under the service categories and then may give points and/or leave comments on the performance of ACCOUNT HOLDER as specified in the scoring conditions following the completion of the service. Individual ACCOUNT HOLDER s can ask questions to Institutional ACCOUNT HOLDER s about the service provided.

2.3.In case questions asked by the individual ACCOUNT OWNER to ACCOUNT HOLDER or comments on ACCOUNT HOLDER contains statements contrary to personal rights, law and morality; the nettreemarket.com account of the person in question will be terminated, and the account of ACCOUNT HOLDER, who responds in the same way, can be terminated and cancelled.Comments given by individual ACCOUNT HOLDER s about ACCOUNT HOLDERS primarily post on the NETTREE MARKET system whereasthese comments are published if they do not contain any contradictions. If it is determined that fake comments that do not reflect the truth have been entered into the system, the relevant account may be cancelled.

2.4.ACCOUNT HOLDER is not authorized to unpublished comments.Yet, if he/she has an objection to the comments, he can complain the comments to NETTREE MARKET together with the documents showing the reason for the objection

2.5.In case of differences or contradictions between the Services Category Terms of Use and the Retail Account Contract and its annexes; The Services Category Usage Rules shall apply.

3.Account Cancellation Conditions

3.1.CancellationRequest by ACCOUNT HOLDER

3.1.1.ACCOUNT HOLDER can send a written account cancellation request to NETTREE MARKET within 30 days from the date of account activation.

3.2.Casesof Account Cancellation by NETTREE MARKET

3.2.1.In case the actions or services of ACCOUNT HOLDER are in violation of the NETTREE MARKET Portal Retail Account Contract, create a violation of rights, violate the law or code of ethicor in cases where the information provided during the account application and update of the account information is incomplete, incorrect or inconsistent with the official information, The account can be suspended and terminated immediately for a period to be determined by NETTREE MARKET.

Annex-7 Store Usage Rules

“Portal”:The website and/or mobile applications where "NETTREE MARKET" offers its services, consisting of the domain name www.nettreemarket.com and the subdomains connected to this domain name.

“User”:Any real or legal person accessing the "Portal".

“ACCOUNT HOLDER “:“It is the "User" who opens an account in the "Portal" and benefits from the services provided within the "Portal" within the conditions specified in this "Retail Account Contract” and carries out commercial activities.

“Pack”:“It is the 'NETTREE MARKET' product with predefined features and the number of advertisements that ACCOUNT HOLDER can use during a billing period.

“Additional Ad Use”:“It is an advertisement that is re-published due to the expiration of each new advertisement or announcement period to be given by ACCOUNT HOLDER after filling the advertisement limit in its package during the billing period.

“Store”:It is the "NETTREE MARKET" product, which “ACCOUNT HOLDER” must purchase in order to carry out its commercial activities on the "Portal", where it can enter and manage its advertisements. Without owning the "Store", the services provided by the "Portal" to “ACCOUNT HOLDER” cannot be used.

“Store Owner”:refers to “ACCOUNT HOLDER” who has completed the store purchase by entering the information on the Portal.

“Store User”: “It is a real person who can use the relevant "Store" within the framework of the authority given by the Store Owner and is obliged to comply with all the rules to which “ACCOUNT HOLDER” is subject. The upper limit of the number of “Store Users” will be determined by NETTREE MARKET, and NETTREE MARKET may change the upper limit at any time without prior notice. Accounts of "Store Users" who do not log into the "Portal" or use the "Portal" for a certain period of time may be closed by NETTREE MARKET.

1. Rules on Using Stores

1.1The Store Usage Rules contain the rules regarding the use of the "Store" by those who are “ACCOUNT HOLDER”. These rules come into effect together with the "Retail Account Contract” and its annexes. In cases where there is no regulation in these Store Usage Rules, the regulations in the Retail Account Contract and its annexes shall apply, in case of conflict between the two, these Store Usage Rules are applied.NETTREE MARKET” reserves the right to change the Store Usage Rules at any time. Changes made, campaigns and offers, pricing changes take effect on the date they are published on the "Portal". “ACCOUNT HOLDER”'s continued use of the "Store" from the date of the change means that it accepts the changes published on the "Portal".

1.2“In order for the "Store" name, that shall be opened by “ACCOUNT HOLDER”, to be displayed correctly in the lists, it must be entered as "Company Name" named "Store"; No icons, symbols or signs may be used.

1.3The name, description, logo, subtitle, special category names, promotional pages, ad title and descriptions of the "Store", and the watermark used in the photographs in the advertisements; Political statements cannot be used, e-mail addresses and links to websites, visuals and expressions reminding them (.com, .net, .org, .edu etc.) cannot be included. The name of the “Store” cannot be a "company title" or "trademark" registered by third parties or legal entities.

1.4“Store Users” invited by “ACCOUNT HOLDER” must also approve the “Retail Account Contract”.

1.5 “Store" provides services to only one company or a single branch of the company, including franchise companies. In the case of companies with branches, a separate "Store" must be purchased for each branch. In a "Shop", more than one company or Advertisements belonging to more than one branch of a company cannot be published. All or part of the rights regarding the "Store" cannot be made available to a third party, transferred or benefited in any way.

1.6Advertisements must be placed in the "Store" in accordance with the "Advertising Rules".

1.7Only “ACCOUNT HOLDER” can open “Store”. Individual companies that are “ACCOUNT HOLDER” must enter their TR Identity Number information, and legal entities must enter the Tax Office and Tax Number information into the system completely and correctly. In addition, they are required to submit other information and documents requested by NETTREE MARKET in other cases such as legal regulations, legislative changes, Package/Store change or renewal, campaign participation conditions.

2. Request for Account

2.1“ACCOUNT HOLDER fills in the "Account Application Form" and then the "Retail Account Contract" is approved.

2.2Former users whose accounts have been closed or closed should have paid the remaining unpaid invoices from previous periods when they want to reopen their accounts with the same User Name, Tax Number or TR Identity Number.

3.Change in Packs

3.1At least one “Pack” must be defined for the “Store” owned by “ACCOUNT HOLDER”.

3.2” ACCOUNT HOLDER” will choose “Pack” on the basis of category among the “Pack” options offered by “NETTREE MARKET”.

3.3Cancellation of the package selected by “ACCOUNT HOLDER” will take place at the end of the relevant billing period. No refund will be made for the period up to the date of cancellation.

3.4“ACCOUNT HOLDER” requests a chargeback without a just and valid reason; if the invoice amount cannot be collected, the Store will be closed and the invoice amounts will be paid to NETTREE MARKET by “ACCOUNT HOLDER” upon a chargeback request to the credit card.

3.5Unless otherwise agreed, the "Pack" period is defined on a monthly basis, and the "Pack" will be automatically renewed on a monthly basis unless “ACCOUNT HOLDER” notifies "NETTREE MARKET" of the "Package" cancellation request. "Pack" cancellation requests will be notified to NETTREE MARKET. Cancellation upon request will be made when the "Pack" expires, and “ACCOUNT HOLDER” will continue to use its current "Pack" until the "Pack" expires

3.6Requests for transitioning between "packages" must be communicated to NETTREE MARKET. The contents of the "packages" are outlined above in section 4.3.3.

3.7In order for “ACCOUNT HOLDER” to make a "Pack" change, there must be no unpaid invoices. “If ACCOUNT HOLDER” wants to benefit from the new "Package" limit immediately; The difference between the "Package" fee used before the transition and the "Package" fee used for the transition is added to the following invoice. If “ACCOUNT HOLDER” does not choose to take advantage of the new “Package” limit immediately, it will switch to the new “Pack” at the beginning of the next period. Transitions to the Sub-Package can only be made as of the end of the semester. When the “Pack” transition is made (upgrade or sub-packs), charging starts at the current price of the switched “Pack”.

3.8”ACCOUNT HOLDER” accepts and undertakes that NETTREE MARKET reserves the right to change the "Package" options, contents, prices, campaign or offer terms and "Package" terms of use at any time.

7. Credit Card Information Records

7.1“ACCOUNT HOLDER” will define the credit card information in the system of the company that NETTREE MARKET works with to record and store the credit card information in order to pay the price of the service it has received.

7.2“ACCOUNT HOLDER” gives approval to the company that NETTREE MARKET works with for the recording, storage and use of credit card information for collection purposes and declares and undertakes and acknowledges that NETTREE MARKET is responsible for the storage, recording and protection of this information, that it consents to the transfer of credit card information to the new company, in case of a change in this company, and that the responsibility for recording, keeping and using the credit card information in payments will belong to the transferred company as of the date of transfer,

7.3“ACCOUNT HOLDER” accepts and declares that the use of credit card information takes place at its own request and approval in each transaction. He/she also accepts and declares that in this context, NETTREE MARKET has no responsibility for the storage of card information and irrevocably waives its right to take legal action against NETTREE MARKET regarding the storage of card information.

7.4Credit card adding transactions are carried out through the 'Add Card Step' during the opening of the 'Store'. And it is not possible to make this transaction through the bank. “ACCOUNT HOLDER” can add a new credit card and make edits to the existing credit card from the "Store Management Panel" after the credit card add step is completed. Since ACCOUNT HOLDER must have at least one credit card registered in the system, existing credit card information cannot be deleted without adding a new credit card.

7.5“The price to be paid by ACCOUNT HOLDER for the services it has received from "NETTREE MARKET" will be automatically collected from the credit card defined by "ACCOUNT HOLDER" when the payment day comes.

8. Billing and Payment

8.1All “Packages” purchased by “ACCOUNT HOLDER”, “Additional Products/Additional Services”, if any, and the invoice date determined by “ACCOUNT HOLDER” will also be applied for new “Packs” to be purchased.

8.2Invoicing will be made in cash at the beginning of the term of the "Package" to be serviced and at the beginning of each billing period. The first invoice following the opening of the "Store" will be calculated proportionally based on the period between the date of "ACCOUNT HOLDER" registration on the site and the invoice date, and will be added to the invoice price for the month for which the advance payment will be received.

8.3In case of "ACCOUNT HOLDER" advertisements exceeding its current package, "Additional Advertisement Usage", "Extra-Project Advertisement Usage" fee and the fee differences arising from the change between "Packages" will be reflected on the next invoice.

8.4Upon issuance of an invoice to “ACCOUNT HOLDER”, collection will be made from the credit card on the invoice date. The relevant invoice will be sent to “ACCOUNT HOLDER”.

In case the collection cannot be realized for any reason; “ACCOUNT HOLDER”:

8.4.1It will continue to use its “Store” normally with all its functions for 10 (ten) days available from the invoice date. There will be no restrictions due to non-payment of the invoice, but they will not be able to benefit from the right to use "Additional Announcements" nor will not be able to purchase a new "Pack" or make a "Pack" change. During the 10 (ten) day period, the invoice amount will be tried to be withdrawn from the registered credit cards.

8.4.2If the collection still has not been made in the period between the 11th day after the invoice issue date and the second invoice issue date; new advertisements cannot be placed and an inactive advertisement cannot be published, but the advertisements in the broadcast can be edited, removed from the post and “ACCOUNT HOLDER” will continue to use the “Store Management Panel”. During this period, the invoice amount will be tried to be withdrawn from registered credit cards.

8.4.3If the collection has not yet been made by the second invoice date; all advertisements of “ACCOUNT HOLDER” will be removed from publication and “The use of "Store" by all "Store User"/Users connected to the "Store" and "Store" will be closed and legal proceedings will be initiated for the collection of due invoices. “ACCOUNT HOLDER” will not be able to login to “Store Management Panel” as of this date.

8.5The total price of the monthly invoice to be issued to “ACCOUNT HOLDER” will not exceed the monthly limit to be determined by NETTREE MARKET. If this limit is reached, “ACCOUNT HOLDER” will not be able to make additional transactions subject to a fee. NETTREE MARKET reserves the right to change this upper limit amount at any time and as much as it wishes.

9. Cancellation of Account and “Stores”;

9.1In case the “ACCOUNT HOLDER” wishes to close its “Store” or because necessary conditions arise in case of closure of “Store” by NETTREE MARKET, Account is also cancelled. No matter how the Account is terminated, the “Store” of “ACCOUNT HOLDER” will also be closed automatically. NETTREE MARKET may stop "ACCOUNT HOLDER" and "Store User(s) from posting advertisements in case of any of the following situations or “Store” may suspended from use. If the non-compliance continues, it may terminate the Account because of;

9.1.1Creating a violation of rights by ACCOUNT HOLDER and/or "Store User(s)" act in violation of the Store Usage Rules and/or Retail Account Contract.

9.1.2Giving incomplete, incorrect or inappropriate information to official information during or after the “Account” and “Store” opening ".

9.1.3Violating the Advertisement Rules

9.1.4Behaving in unlawful and unethical attitudes and behaviours, determining that it does not have the conditions that it should have in accordance with the legislation.

9.2In case of suspension of the Store; “ACCOUNT HOLDER” and “Store User(s)” cannot enter advertisements within the specified period. In this case, "ACCOUNT HOLDER", who’s "Shop" has been closed, will be responsible for direct or indirect damages incurred by NETTREE MARKET and/or third parties and/or itself. If the account is terminated by NETTREE MARKET upon the persistence of the non-compliance; No refund will be made to “ACCOUNT HOLDER”, and free/gift doping received for any reason will be cancelled without refund.

9.3 “ACCOUNT HOLDER” states that the "Retail Account Contract" and its annexes, which it has approved for the package it has newly purchased or renewed its commitment, will also be applied for other "Packages" to be purchased/renewed, even if it cancels the "Package" it has approved the "Retail Account Contract" and accepts and undertakes that the annexes will remain in force. If "ACCOUNT HOLDER" has cancelled its "Package" and there is no "Package" left, its "Store" will be closed at the end of the "Package" period for which it has requested cancellation
